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Week 2 day 5

In the picture above we can see two ways of growing our Marijuana plants. Starting from a seed or growing a clone. Each way has its advantages and disadvantage. You can find more info HERE. From my experience clones grow faster but seeds grow healthier and yield more.  I recommend you try both methods for yourself.

Marijuana San Antonio Clones
Marijuana Seed Germination Methods

Don't expect to see a lot of growth during the first week while your seed is germinating.

1st Month


We will only cover two different techniques commonly used to germinate cannabis seeds.


Carefully place your cannabis or hemp seeds between wet paper towels and place them in a air tight plastic container. Aim for high humidity levels inside the container, temperatures between 20-25 °C, and moist, but not overly wet paper towels. Check moisture and humidity levels regularly. Don’t completely close the container and allow some air exchange. This happens at a dark place.


Simply drop your seeds into a glass of drinking water and wait 24-48 hours until seeds have cracked. Wait until you see the first few millimeters of the root, and make sure water temperatures are between 20-25 °C. Place your cup somewhere light doesn’t reach it.

Mariguana plant grown from seed.
Grown from seed hydroponic
Hydroponic Girl Scout Clones
Clones transplanted to soil
ChemDog Clone
LemmonPez Clone
Marijuana growing guide seedlings

2nd Month


This is growing schedule for people who are growing in soil that was already fertilized when purchased. If you are at the very beginning stages(germination), then you should start with this growing schedule after day 14 of your germination phase.

It’s a good idea to read through the entire schedule so that you can see what to expect in the future weeks to come. If you are growing in a medium other than soil, check out our other grow schedule about Growing in Hydro

Jilly Bean Clone
Marijuana Clone
Clone Growing in soil
Vegetative Stage
Clone Ready for Flowering Stage
Frankenstein Clone

3rd Month

Time 2 Cure

After cutting down your marijuana plants, a proper dry and cure are crucial. These help retain terpenes and cannabinoids, preserving and accentuating the flavors of weed, diminishing chlorophyll, and getting rid of  excess moisture .

Proper curing time is crucial. Too quick and the outsides of buds will appear dry but the insides won’t be. Too long and buds could develop mold.

The drying and curing processes are similar but with a subtle difference. Drying happens before or after trimming and occurs when the initial amount of moisture comes out of buds. This can happen after you cut down the plant in drying trimming, or after you trim the buds in wet trimming, when buds are in a drying room or on a drying rack.

Curing happens after this initial removal of moisture and after buds have been trimmed. It involves storing finished buds in containers to stop the loss of moisture and to preserve flavors and aromas. More on curing below.

Keep harvested weed in a dark room with temperatures between 60-70°F and humidity between 55-65%. A cheap hygrometer will help you monitor these numbers.

Add a small fan to circulate air, and you may need to add a dehumidifier or AC as well. If it’s taking too long to dry buds in your space, you may need to adjust the temperature or humidity to help along the drying process.
Cannabis drying room equipment

  Drying rack or line to hang buds for drying
  Hygrometer to measure temperature and humidity
  Fan to circulate the air

When dry trimming cannabis, you can hang harvested plants upside down on a line or hanger—it prevents buds from getting flattened or misshapen as they dry. Also, keep buds connected to branches to help create an even, slow dry.

If dry trimming, check your drying branches after they’ve been hanging for 3 days. A good test is to bend a branch with buds—if the stem snaps, that means buds are dry and ready for trimming.

If they don’t snap, leave them and check the next day. Drying usually takes 3-7 days, but could take longer.
How to dry buds without hanging

When trimming wet, you’ll need a flat rack—you’ll have lots of trimmed individual buds, so you can’t hang them. Flat racks are circular with layers of mesh, and are great for airflow.

Check wet-trimmed buds drying in the flat rack after 2-3 days by giving them a little squish. If they’re still too wet, leave them and check again the next day.
How to cure marijuana

Check out Johanna’s full video series on how to grow weed on Leafly’s YouTube.


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